PPCC Nikilaiki Ruutarhara
Maranatha, Anathema-class Covert Operations Frigate
Location Withheld
Research Log Entry One
Completed first survey of salvage worthy ruins today. Many broken and worn components, all handed over to Stillwater Corporation. Salvaged components from defensive drones split with other members of expedition.
Research of combat capabilities of the Sleeper drones continues. Combat capabilities remind me of old Sansha vessels. I wonder if there is a connection or simply parallel lines of research.

Initial indications that these are "ancient" drones may be partially incorrect. My belief is that these drones are actually reconfigured from the Sleeper structures found.
Deep scans of the structures show formations quite similar to the "front" end of many sleeper ships. Analysis of wreckage confirms the use of nano technology, most notably in the form of heuristic self-assemblers. These devices are able to reconfigure, as far as I can tell, the armor plating of Sleeper ships in order to enhance their defenses.

More intriguing is information from a Thukker Mercenary recently employed by Stillwater Corporation. Anissa Na'Sandra, a young pilot recently graduated from a Republic capsuleer academy, recently ran across what appears to have been a Sleeper drone in the Arnon system.
These ships are not what I first thought they were, by any stretch of the imagination. I first assumed these to simply be remnants of the Sleepers, which they could very well be. Upon closer examination, they seem to be far more complex an enigma than I originally thought. This research is definitely a new priority for me, as one large question still remains; who were the Sleepers as a culture, and what can we learn from these remnants of their ancient civilization can shed light on them?
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