Saturday, April 4, 2009

Personal Log Entry 002: Direction Without Direction

It's been a few days since my last entry. I've been doing some soul searching, deciding on my path. Today is an ISRC race, and I was thinking of attending. Even if I do just one race I think it would be worth it, just to get out and do something for fun. How does this have anything to do with my path?

Well, for starters it will help clear my mind. I've been stressing over all that's been going on. Admittedly not much has been happening. I think that is even more reason to relax though. Once things get going I will need all the clarity, focus and control that I can muster.

It will also get me used to flying interceptors again. Training to fly Minmatar vessels, namely frigates and cruisers, is something I need to work on as well. Being able to fly in any sub-battleship vessel is a good thing considering my current employment.

Another benefit is that it will get me some social interaction outside of the corp and the church. I can't very well advocate learning and exploring social environments if I myself avoid them.

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