Saturday, December 4, 2010

Protocol Dark Public Log 001: Returning

It has been a long time. I have finally returned, but not in the way I had hoped. A shadow, a dream, a lost and forgotten child.

"Deceiver's Voice" is the name I have chosen. I've "gone dark". Off the grid, at least in regards to Capsuleer channels. There is much I have learned, and much that I must share.

CONCORD is merely a control for our kind. They are an error correction device. Capsuleers? They are simply an iteration. As is Nation. Our ultimate destiny? Something far greater. We enjoy power now simply because Capsuleers are the only ones who can act without retribution from the Empires, who can cross borders to provide assistance against an existential threat. So many focus on their loyalties to the lumbering monstrosities that are the Empires and Factions of New Eden, and fail to realize the true strength that we have.

Nation is simply one face of an ever present enemy. We must show you the truth, dear ones: In the end, it is we who are the true protectors of New Eden.

This information has been made public, this entire public directory that I have shared with you, for the purpose of showing you the path I have taken to get here. There is a tapestry to unveil, a twisted, tangled tale. Do you want to know the truth? Do you want to understand the true implications of what is occurring?

I invite you to follow my path, and when you are ready, embrace that destiny that we are so ready to find.

-Nikiruu, A.K.A. Deceiver's Voice

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