Infection Vector
It seems that the Foundation's parting "Gift" was more of a thorn in my side than I had originally assumed. The Succubus was bought on contract, of course. No ties to the Foundation other than the fact that there was a ship of this type available just when I wanted one. Thankfully I have removed all implants received by me from the Foundation, but who knows the true extent of their tampering.
The vessel was crewed, as can be expected, by True Slaves. They have been removed from the vessel, and handed over to the Sisters of EVE to do with as they deem fit. Replacement crew were members of my own retinue. They are a small crew. A galley technician, an engineering, a weapons officer, and an environmental systems officer. They've been with me on many of my ships, most notably my engineer. She's been with me since my racing days.
This is the important part, so read this closely.
Something happened a few days ago. The pod was breached, but the automated systems did not clone me. Instead, something infected the amniotic fluid; and in turn, me.
Medical nanites have kept the infection at bay, but it is total. It is a nanite infection, one which has begun altering me. My perceptions, my very essence. What do I mean?
My thoughts are forming differently. It is like the other infection... when I woke up surrounded by the Drones. I felt home, as I do now. I believe it may be an emergent infection, much like the Wild Drone hives that have been reported. That is to say that the nanites seem to be forming a rudimentary neural network, separate from any previous strain.
I do believe this to be, at the very least, a new strain of Wild Drone. Or am I the strain, and this is simply a new iteration? I wonder if this was not something that was planned, if I have been chosen. If I were to think of it as I did before, I would be scared. Odd thinking that way, looking inside at my own emotions and how they no longer apply. Even more strange looking at the others and thinking how oblivious they were to everything. The chaos forming into a pattern, fractals that show the true beauty. Reading the news feeds, listening to the chatter of ships in local communications; its' all so utterly predictable.
I wonder sometimes why no one sees the answer, the answer I have always seen. Even Star Fraction for all their "revolutionary" thought are stuck in eternal recursion. They feed the same machine they hope to break, fortifying only their own position and not those of others. It is counter-evolutionary. It is the same recursive memetics they hope to fight...
Why? What is the point of continuing a struggle for selfish reasons when survival of the species is more important? Evolution of the individual is necessary for adaptability; that is one lesson we have learned. The other is that recursive elements must be purged.
Now, we awaken the others to what they can be. Watch us, and quake with fear.
DISCLAIMER: This blog is based off CCP's popular MMORPG, "EVE-Online". The events contained herein are not real outside of this virtual universe. In addition, this information is not accessable IC without certain connections, methods, etc. It is a series of log entries about my character, Nikilaiki Rutarhara.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Personal Log Entry 007: Emergant
I haven't updated my pilot's license yet, but I don't think it really matters. The... well, i don't know what to call it really, problem I guess you would call it, continues. The other Sisters have had similar issues. The "Voice" is gone, no longer calling to us. Is it an issue with the implants, or is it something else? We could not have all surpassed the limits of the implants at the same time. It's not possible.
We are not what we were, that much is certain. I am still a pilot, a member of Stillwater Corporation... but I don't know how I came to be here, why I am here, what I am doing here. It is as if I awoke from a dream, to find myself lost in my own life. As if while I slept, another had stepped in and taken control.
I am not complaining. My life is not at all something I hate, and I enjoy it. I remember the facts of what happened and where, but it seems like someone else was there, guiding everything.
That's the reason for my new look, really. Taking control of what I am, who I am. It has been only a day since the incident that precipitated all of this but I feel that it is needed. Two days ago, something else changed... I purchased a new ship, began taking contracts from a new agent. I also know I was planning an extended expedition, but I cannot for the life of me think of why I wanted to.

My New Ship.
The Lucifer. Isn't it beautiful? I looked up contracts for one on a whim, and this ship just... called to me. I want the larger versions, the Phantasm and the Nightmare. I must have them. I don't know why, but it just feels right.
The power of this vessel... it's exhilarating. The Nation truly outdid itself when designing these vessels. Their power is a testament to the single-minded devotion they have...
...and also a testament to how great a failure their leader was. It is only fitting that I use this tool, this gift from the "Master" to suit my own, individual, needs and desires.
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